2020 September 11-13 Barcelona Water Polo Masters Cup 2nd edition

September 11th to 13th, 2020
Day 1 (11th) – 1pm to 8pm competition + dinner & party
Day 2 (12th) – 11am to 7pm competition
Day 3 (13th) – 9am to 2pm competition + awards ceremony

Barcelona, Spain
The tournament will take place in the water polo & diving Olympic facilities from Barcelona ’92: the Montjuïc Municipal Pool.

Men’s/coed and women’s teams

The tournament is open to men’s/coed teams of 30+, 40+ and 50+ age groups and women’s teams from all over the world.

More information here https://www.biwpa.com/beach-polo/

Link to YouTube https://youtu.be/lEG9nvNtfuQ

About Atlant Minsk Water Polo Masters Team:

We live, train and host international tournaments in our cosmopolitan Minsk, Belarus and compete worldwide.  We invite all water polo enthusiasts to participate in our events. Atlant Minsk Water Polo Masters Team